Staff Reviewing Work
(L to R) Jose, Alice, Joe, Joanne, Mike B., and Mike C.

Storm Water Management
Chris Juhasz onsite at local Reserve reviewing Stormwater concerns

Structural Engineering
Nick Cirilli reviews structural engineering plans.
Full Service Engineering
Subdivision & Land Development
Staying Power: Yerkes Associates, Inc. has been leading the way since 1874 in Civil Engineering and Land Surveying services. Subdivision and Land Development is the totality of such services.
Our staff of engineers, architects, designers, planners, and surveyors handles projects from conception to completion with proven capability of performing in a working team environment with sound interpersonal skills.
Property History: There simply aren’t many property deeds in Chester County and surrounding area where Yerkes did not provide the initial survey. Thus, subdivision and/or land development of that property allows us the advantage of offering the history of; any uniqueness the property may possess.
Intimate Knowledge of a Municipal Engineer’s Perspective: Our staff is widely diversified with licensed engineers who work with both private clients and Municipalities. This diverse perspective contributes to a more practical approach to the site design, sometimes even accelerating the approval process.
It is our policy to try and conduct a meeting with the Municipal Engineer “before” detailed design is started to proactively seek insights of any pending ordinance changes, or preferences in design methodology.
Yerkes Associates’ core business is Civil & Municipal Engineering.
- Subdivision and Land Development plan reviews
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Data Collection
- Set Up & Maintenance
- Road & Street Assessments
- New construction inspection
- Unbiased roadway evaluation
- Inventory / Database construction
- Flood Plain Analysis
- Sanitary Engineering
- Develop Act 537 Plans
- Low Pressure & Gravity sewer design
- Pump station design
- Treatment plant O&M
- Storm Water Management
- Inspection of Public & Private systems
- Design and review of new systems (above & below ground)
- Bridge Design & Review
- MS4 Consultation / Reporting
Sewage Facility Planning
- ACT 537 Base Plans
- Special Studies
- New Land Development
- Planning
- Design Construction Oversight
- Plant Operations and Mgmt
- Re-Rate Studies
- Compliance Evaluations
Sewage Management
Yerkes Associates has provided a wide range of sanitary and wastewater treatment design services for over 100 years. Our full service design team is ready to serve you.
Landscape Architecture
Landscape architecture provides a design approach for the development of the physical environment. Economic considerations must be considered with land use planning; however, physical appearance is also important. The landscape architectural discipline provides for aesthetic land use planning. Specifically, landscape architectural principles govern the arrangement of lands proposed for development. These principles create completed projects which are safe and environmentally conscious. The cooperative endeavor of competent site engineering with landscape architectural design provides a finished product featuring both aesthetic and functional qualities.
Structural Engineering Services
- Building Analysis and Design of Various Structural Components
- Roof structure analysis for installation of Equipment or HVAC units
- Shop classroom or Maint. Bldg monorails, hoists, warehouse racks
- Retaining Walls, Small-span Bridges (Non-PennDOT)
- Building Maintenance; brick, stone, masonry
- Crack & Masonry Restoration design repairs
- Reinforced concrete, masonry & wood design
- Foundation wall crack evaluation and design repair
- Structural steel (buildings, platforms & support structures)